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Online Training
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At a time when online marketing is gaining momentum, search engine optimization has developed as a profession which is high earning and highly creative. It is quite interesting to work in this profession. If you can handle English Language with ease and if you have a curious mind which tempts you to go for researches on different subjects, you can certainly be a highly successful Search Engine Optimizer.
What is Search Engine Optimization?
When the number of websites has increased and more and more people got attracted towards online activities, search engines started playing an important role. Usually the new visitors will rely on search engines to reach a website of their choice. They will start searching the website with the help of some keywords related to the contents in the websites. The search engines will come out with a list of websites that contain the keywords used by the searcher. The websites which are placed in the top positions of the search list will get more visitors. The ranking in the search engine result list is based on how much the website can be optimized by the search engine crawlers. Different search engines have different algorithms for searching and they keep on changing the algorithms frequently. Search engine optimization is the process which will make a website search engine friendly and thus bring to one of the top positions in the search result list.
Different search engine optimization techniques
Basically Search Engine Optimization techniques have been divided into two types, on page optimization and off page optimization. On page optimization is the techniques being done on the web pages and most of the works are part of web development. In SEO courses, the coaching will be for off page optimization techniques which include several activities being done out of the web page to enhance the optimization.
1) Search Engine Submission Although most of the search engines can crawl on websites that are not submitted to them, submission of your website to search engines will help for global marketing. There are many regional search engines and search engines exclusively for some specific areas. Here search engine submission will be more effective.
2) Search Engine Submission Although most of the search engines can crawl on websites that are not submitted to them, submission of your website to search engines will help for global marketing. There are many regional search engines and search engines exclusively for some specific areas. Here search engine submission will be more effective.
3) Directory Submission There are thousands of web directories where you can enlist the website category wise, region wise etc.
4) Social Book Marking It is a comparatively new feature that helps the visitors to store, organize or manage their favorites or book marks. Instead of the entire website, data will be stored here with a small Meta description.
3) Article Submission There are many websites where you can submit articles on subjects related to the contents of the websites. Here you can provide back links to the website from this article.
5) Press Releases They are short articles that talk directly about the business. These articles can be posted in different websites and can be linked to your website.
6) Wiki Profile Creation Wiki pages are covering almost all the subject under the sun and it has been considered reliable by many search engine crawlers. Creating a wiki profile will help to enhance the optimization.
7) Social Networking Sites: By creating fan pages and by actively participating in discussions in social networking site is another method to promote your website.
8) Blogs: Blogs are effective media to reach maximum number of people. Maintaining a blog and updating it regularly will help you to promote your brand. Commenting in other related blogs, posting articles in other’s blogs as a guest writer etc also will help a lot.
9) Classified Ads Posting: There are several websites where you can post classified ads. You can make use of such websites to promote your websites as well as for enhancing optimization.
10) Image/Video/PPT Submission: There are sites where you can post an image, video or PPT related to your business and provide back link to your site.
All these areas will be dealt in detail in a professional course for SEO. Ace Web Academy, an associate of Ace Dezines offers highly professional course in SEO where the coaching will be given by the industry professionals. Classes for the new batch are starting soon.
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