Tips for Designing and Use of Graphics Effectively - Ace Web Academy
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Tips for Designing and Use of Graphics Effectively

Tips for Designing and Use of Graphics Effectively
Mar 19, 2022

The public is more familiar with bad design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring” – Paul rand once quoted famously.

There is an imminent need to master the skills of graphic designing, with a solid sound foundation on basics. A graphic designer arrives at visual solutions that promote or enhance an idea. It could be a service, product, a cult or even some kind of philosophy. Commonly businesses hire graphic designers to create logos or slogans while large publications hire them for creating page layouts, advertisements, and overall product packaging. Overall the role of a graphic designer encompasses integration of logos, artwork with the text component within a publication of the organization.

The aspect of a comprehensive design replete with all aspects delivered completely.

Graphics in the context of design sums up the following aspects-

•       It is a visual as well as an aesthetic presentation of information on the web page, or static content which helps sustain user interest as well as attention. A wall of text gets boring and monotonous for the reader.

•        A visual structure elevates the importance of content given and provides for some scope for links on the page

•        Having to visually communicate is a greater challenge and hence the importance it is given is automatically higher.

Simple and basic tips and tricks on using graphics-

•       Use of graphics need to be meaningful and entirely in line with the objective, purpose and context of the page. A mish mash showing off all new fancy effects that turn out to be irrelevant to the content has to be avoided at all costs.

•       Use graphics that use minimal file sizing. Bear in mind the consolidated file size of all images on the particular page and then plan your graphic. With a big file you do not want to be pulling down loading times of all the other graphic images and the content in effect.

•       The purpose of graphics helps you focus on important content on the page. Visually strong graphic elements on a page can be useful in directing viewers’ attention and provide structure on the page. This being said sometimes use of strong graphic elements can also pull attention away from central content or compete with one another on the page. Remember; simply highlight whatever is the mainstay of your website.

•        Do not use extremely bright or potentially “obnoxious” images in the name of catching the user’s attention. The effect begins to look appalling and irritate the user over time.

•        Do not entirely use graphics to represent textual content or information. This presents itself as a tempting option to represent content with greater flexibility in terms of font choices and effects on text. What really is the consequence is the inability of having to resize images accordingly user preference. The fact remains that images require much longer to download than just content. There are no search options for images that contain the relevant text and search engines index websites that contain actual text, well-structured with HTML in a much better manner.

•        It is imperative that whenever images are used, an equivalent content or description of the relevant image is adequately provided. This is particularly important where in the images are used in the place of navigation buttons or links in the web content.

•         There needs to be sufficient color contrast between the text and the background color used in the design. Graphic elements used in the content should be contrasted bringing adequate emphasis to the content. Work on creating a graphic design that is also friendly to color blind users.

Web content is that which always rules, graphic designs work on complementing content always.

All web applications are user oriented; graphic designers should be in a position to balance user preferences with updated knowledge on online graphic design style guides and packages. The right mix of marketing and interpersonal skills prevalent in a graphic designer is that which brings out a winning graphic design.

Ace Web AcademyAce Web Academy is a Web Design, Graphic design and web development training center in Hyderabad provides web design, graphic design, PHP, Mobile Application development and complete digital marketing training with live projects experiences.


Mar 19, 2022
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